Dr. Alattin Ural
Mehmet Akif University


This paper has been done to determine students’ solving methods of rational equations, errors and misconceptions in solving rational equations. A total of 86 students from 10th and 11th grades in Ankara were chosen randomly. Four rational equations with different forms containing general students’ error and misconceptions in rational equations were prepared. Coding of solutions was done through a coding schema obtained the data and descriptive analysis was used. The students’ errors and misconceptions have been determined and interpreted on the basis of their solving methods. The results showed that “cross products”, “eliminating the same factors on numerator or denominator of both sides “ and “moving one side of the equation to another side then multiplying by a common denominator” were common solving strategies. Solving 2nd or 3rd equations and arithmetical operations on algebraic rational expressions are the difficulties encountered. On the basis of perception of equality concept, by eliminating the same factors on numerators of both sides and not putting the numbers making the denominator zero into solution were common misconception. Another misconception was on the basis of matching the absence with zero. Some students have written zero in the case of nothing remained in the one side of the equation in the result of eliminating the same factors in the equation. The most important error in the process of solving rational equation has been arised from not excluding the numbers making the denominator zero from the solution set. Besides, encountering a 2nd or 3rd equation in the process of solving the rational equation given has been determined a difficulty.


Rational Equation, Errors, Misconceptions.